Sunday, June 14, 2009

people always ask...

" are you happy with your job? "
" do you love what you do? "
" are you ever tired of just taking pictures? "

I get these questions a lot, and quite frankly i never know how to answer them...until just this very moment.

These past month has probably been one of the busiest I have ever been. Balancing a production I am a cast member of, being the photography chair for "race for the cure", putting together a gallery show, as well as my regular day job. Talk about stressful!

So I had a show today at 2, and I dont think I was the nicest person today, I tended to be pretty negative, and just a recluse...but WHY? was it the stress? was it not being happy with where I am in life? ...

...after the show, I quickly left and came to the studio, checked my messages, emailed a few clients and then opened up a folder of images from a shoot I had last week...turned on some great music so loud I cant hear the cars outside, or my phone ring...i just sat and edited...

and for the first time I smiled. I really do love what I do, I love the images I capture and the stories I tell...I love my clients expressions to the new pictures of themselves, and most of all, I love knowing that through it all, I am very much content with my life and where I am...

I am doing what I love, and doing it well!

And I leave you with a little bit of homework...go out there and do what YOU love. Life is too short to do otherwise.

Happy sunday to you all!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bride and Bride to Be


Hey Hey!

So I finally have put together a gallery show that I love DEARLY!

The gallery reflects the emotional journeys of breast cancer victims in their battles against the disease...from moments of strength and triumph to moments of defense and collapse. Dancers from the Carolina Ballet translate the photographer’s concept into visual form through distinct expression and movement.

The gallery took place from 6-9pm to coincide with Downtown Raleigh's First Friday event. The images were be on display for viewing and available for sale. Half of all proceeds were donated to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, which funds breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment programs. The gallery also featured a registration station where visitors could sign up for the race, which will be held the following weekend on June 13.