Saturday, May 31, 2008

the colours of nicaragua

I have just returned from a two week backpacking trip through the most beautiful parts, and untouched areas of Nicaragua, Central America. It was such an inspirational, self-liberating trip. I have attached a few photos from the trip as well as a video of the photos [sadly the resolution is poor due to youtube's compression]

Thank you. I hope you enjoyed the photos, please let me know what you think! Till my next post, be safe, keep smiling.




Anonymous said...

Did you take that photos in my country? Damn! I'm mesmerized! You are a genius...

Anonymous said...

The colors are amazing...can you purchase these?

Anonymous said...

Wow, I want to go to Nicaragua. Great photos!

Anonymous said...

The monkey looks sad! But the rest are pretty sweet. Righteous job, dude

Anonymous said...

totes going up in my new apartment! You are so talented. You capture the essence of everywhere you go.

curtis. said...

yes can you purchase. email at

Anonymous said...

Love the photos Curtis, so much! Amazing colors, compositions. Truly remarkable, write back sometime